In the JS hospital, a routine evaluation test is used to identify whether a baby needs urgent medical care. The test scores on five areas, including breathing rate and skin coloration. Newborns also receive a vitamin K shot.
What kinds of tests show the physical condition of newborns in the hospital?
After your baby is born, a doctor or nurse will perform a series of tests to determine your baby's physical condition. A routine evaluation, called the Apgar test, is used to identify whether your baby needs urgent medical care. After delivery, your baby will also be given a vitamin K shot, eye drops, and newborn screening tests. Your baby may also receive a hearing test and a hepatitis B vaccine.
Immediate care of newborn baby
Soon after the baby is delivered in the hospital, a quick examination is done by the doctor or the paediatrician. The airway is checked for any signs of obstruction. Any mucus or other material in the nose or mouth is suctioned out with a suction pump. The umbilical cord is clamped and cut with sterile equipment. A nurse will weigh the baby and take measurements such as length and head diameter and enter it in the birth record.
Physical examination of the newborn
Vital signs
Temperature, heart rate and respiratory rate are checked.
The nurse measures the baby's length from head to toe and measures head circumference.
Birth weight
The baby is weighed immediately after delivery and birth weight recorded.
The skin is observed for the presence of bluish discolouration which is a sign of poor blood circulation.
Head and neck
The doctor examines the shape of the head, the soft spots on the skull, the face and neck regions to look for any swelling, bleeding or deformities. This can either be due to the pressure during a vaginal delivery or a birth defect.
Heart and lungs
The chest is auscultated to identify any heart murmurs or abnormal breathing sounds.
Abdomen and genitals
Abdomen is palpated to check the size, shape and position of internal organs. The doctor ensures that there are no defects in the genitourinary and rectal openings.
The arms and legs are checked for any physical or functional defects.